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Ethereum Classic (ETC) Mining Profitability Calculator

3yr Total Revenue
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Monthly Profit and Revenue Data

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MonthDifficultyCoin RevenueCumulative RevenueRevenue $Cumulative $CostsProfitCum. Profit
12359530.54 Ph/s
ETC Logo
12.753053 ETC
ETC Logo
12.753053 ETC
22453911.77 Ph/s
ETC Logo
12.262551 ETC
ETC Logo
25.015603 ETC
32552068.24 Ph/s
ETC Logo
11.790914 ETC
ETC Logo
36.806517 ETC
42654150.97 Ph/s
ETC Logo
11.337417 ETC
ETC Logo
48.143935 ETC
52760317.01 Ph/s
ETC Logo
10.901363 ETC
ETC Logo
59.045298 ETC
62870729.69 Ph/s
ETC Logo
10.482080 ETC
ETC Logo
69.527377 ETC