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Kadena (KDA) Mining Profitability Calculator

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Monthly Profit and Revenue Data

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MonthDifficultyCoin RevenueCumulative RevenueRevenue $Cumulative $CostsProfitCum. Profit
11108923597.07 Ph/s
KDA Logo
370.428159 KDA
KDA Logo
370.428159 KDA
21153280540.95 Ph/s
KDA Logo
356.180922 KDA
KDA Logo
726.609081 KDA
31199411762.59 Ph/s
KDA Logo
342.481656 KDA
KDA Logo
1069.090737 KDA
41247388233.09 Ph/s
KDA Logo
329.309285 KDA
KDA Logo
1398.400022 KDA
51297283762.42 Ph/s
KDA Logo
316.643543 KDA
KDA Logo
1715.043565 KDA
61349175112.92 Ph/s
KDA Logo
304.464945 KDA
KDA Logo
2019.508510 KDA