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Nervos Network (CKB) Mining Profitability Calculator

3yr Total Revenue
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3yr Total Profit/Loss
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Monthly Profit and Revenue Data

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MonthDifficultyCoin RevenueCumulative RevenueRevenue $Cumulative $CostsProfitCum. Profit
14567965674.35 Ph/s
CKB Logo
9290.732574 CKB
CKB Logo
9290.732574 CKB
24750684301.33 Ph/s
CKB Logo
8933.396706 CKB
CKB Logo
18224.129280 CKB
34940711673.38 Ph/s
CKB Logo
8589.804525 CKB
CKB Logo
26813.933805 CKB
45138340140.32 Ph/s
CKB Logo
8259.427428 CKB
CKB Logo
35073.361233 CKB
55343873745.93 Ph/s
CKB Logo
7941.757142 CKB
CKB Logo
43015.118375 CKB
65557628695.77 Ph/s
CKB Logo
7636.304944 CKB
CKB Logo
50651.423320 CKB