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Zcash (ZEC) Mining Profitability Calculator

3yr Total Revenue
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3yr Total Profit/Loss
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Monthly Profit and Revenue Data

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MonthDifficultyCoin RevenueCumulative RevenueRevenue $Cumulative $CostsProfitCum. Profit
159.42 Th/s
ZEC Logo
5.445909 ZEC
ZEC Logo
5.445909 ZEC
261.79 Th/s
ZEC Logo
5.236451 ZEC
ZEC Logo
10.682360 ZEC
364.27 Th/s
ZEC Logo
5.035049 ZEC
ZEC Logo
15.717410 ZEC
466.84 Th/s
ZEC Logo
4.841393 ZEC
ZEC Logo
20.558803 ZEC
569.51 Th/s
ZEC Logo
4.655186 ZEC
ZEC Logo
25.213989 ZEC
672.29 Th/s
ZEC Logo
4.476140 ZEC
ZEC Logo
29.690130 ZEC