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Ethereum (ETH) Mining Profitability Calculator

3yr Total Revenue
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Monthly Profit and Revenue Data

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MonthDifficultyCoin RevenueCumulative RevenueRevenue $Cumulative $CostsProfitCum. Profit
111032024.14 Ph/s
ETH Logo
0.723195 ETH
ETH Logo
0.723195 ETH
211473305.11 Ph/s
ETH Logo
0.695380 ETH
ETH Logo
1.418574 ETH
311932237.31 Ph/s
ETH Logo
0.668634 ETH
ETH Logo
2.087208 ETH
412409526.80 Ph/s
ETH Logo
0.642917 ETH
ETH Logo
2.730126 ETH
512905907.88 Ph/s
ETH Logo
0.618190 ETH
ETH Logo
3.348316 ETH
613422144.19 Ph/s
ETH Logo
0.594413 ETH
ETH Logo
3.942729 ETH