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LBRY Credits (LBC) Mining Profitability Calculator

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3yr Total Profit/Loss
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Monthly Profit and Revenue Data

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MonthDifficultyCoin RevenueCumulative RevenueRevenue $Cumulative $CostsProfitCum. Profit
1426.90 Ph/s
LBC Logo
1820.252311 LBC
LBC Logo
1820.252311 LBC
2443.97 Ph/s
LBC Logo
1750.242607 LBC
LBC Logo
3570.494918 LBC
3461.73 Ph/s
LBC Logo
1682.925584 LBC
LBC Logo
5253.420502 LBC
4480.20 Ph/s
LBC Logo
1618.197677 LBC
LBC Logo
6871.618178 LBC
5499.41 Ph/s
LBC Logo
1555.959304 LBC
LBC Logo
8427.577482 LBC
6519.39 Ph/s
LBC Logo
1496.114716 LBC
LBC Logo
9923.692198 LBC