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Siacoin (SIA) Mining Profitability Calculator

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Monthly Profit and Revenue Data

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MonthDifficultyCoin RevenueCumulative RevenueRevenue $Cumulative $CostsProfitCum. Profit
123845499292.55 Ph/s
SIA Logo
22233.083249 SIA
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22233.083249 SIA
224799319264.25 Ph/s
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21377.964662 SIA
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43611.047911 SIA
325791292034.82 Ph/s
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20555.735252 SIA
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64166.783163 SIA
426822943716.21 Ph/s
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19765.130050 SIA
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83931.913213 SIA
527895861464.86 Ph/s
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19004.932741 SIA
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102936.845954 SIA
629011695923.45 Ph/s
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18273.973789 SIA
SIA Logo
121210.819743 SIA